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Image of a short-haired woman wearing a plaid shirt, standing in front of a rock.
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Emma Maione is a Type A who hordes swords, crosses animals, and is barred from playing The Lord of the Rings trivial pursuit with her family. A voracious creative, she is a writer, editor, makeup artist, as well as a dabbler in half-a-dozen other crafts. Fantasy, sci-fi, and history are her genres of choice—she’s even managed to turn the latter into her profession, and currently works in a museum.


Emma loves to read, watch television, play videogames (Stardew Valley, Valheim and Pokemon Legends: Arceus are heavily in rotation these days), and is even known to kick a ball around on the soccer field. Her goals for the year include travelling and getting more tattoos, as well as finally reaching level 41 in Pokemon Go. Emma’s favourite things in the world are her two cats, Arthur and Pippin, closely followed by coffee and old castles.

Image of a short-haired woman in a plaid shirt, book shelves in the background.
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Allison Alexander is an editor, writer, artist, gamer, and chronic illness mage (she doesn't have the HP to be a warrior). She has a BA in English and a certificate in Publishing, and she's worked on magazines, newspapers, and books in graphic design and editorial capacities. She is the former editorial director at sci-fi/fantasy publisher Mythos & Ink.
From her home on Hoth, a.k.a. Manitoba, Canada, Allison builds fantasy worlds with a keyboard and a drawing tablet. She makes up for the shocking absence of cats and coffee in her life by spending time with her supportive partner and drinking tea. She shares insights about writing, querying, and publishing speculative fiction in her newsletter, Editor’s Alchemy, and she loves helping authors hone their stories. You can find her playing D&D, chasing otter penguins off the Normandy, or co-hosting The Worldbuilder's Tavern podcast.

Image of a long-haired person in a suit jacket standing in front of a pink-flowered tree.
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Christiana Jones is a lifelong nerd. They have a diploma in photography, a diploma in creative communications, a bachelor's in rhetoric, writing, and communications, and are completing a master's in professional communications. It's safe to say that they like to communicate! Their masters research focuses on using TikTok to engage Canadian youth. They are a Swiss-army knife of communications—be it visual, audio, or written, they have dedicated their career to meaningful storytelling.

Christiana has spent over a decade-long career working in government, non-profits, and publishing. They are passionate about helping people tell their stories in impactful ways. They are also passionate about consuming stories. They love to read, play video games, and watch movies in their spare time. They write professionally every day, but in their free time, they write poetry. They also like to spend time with their loving spouse and two rather round cats, Xeno and Persaeus.

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